Terms of Service

What to expect when working with us


Robsco Industries Ltd. is a provider of internet related services including website design and development. Website and email hosting and domain name services are maintained by our sister company, Expert Hosting Ltd. This page sets out the terms under which Robsco Industries Ltd. will provide services to you as a client.

Robsco Industries Ltd. reserves the right to change, add, subtract or in any way alter these terms of service without prior consent.

By accepting any services offered by Robsco Industries Ltd, or any of our trading names, you are deemed to have accepted these terms of service.

Robsco Industries Ltd. is registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 10912171. Our registered office is 328 Crewe Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 4RP, UK.

We reserve the right to update these terms of service at any time.


We maintain our own servers within our own hosting platform, as such we are available and "on-call" 24/7/365 to deal with any website or server issues.

We also strive to make ourselves available to you 24/7, via email, phone, WhatsApp or Skype, should you ever need to talk to us about anything.

We recognise you're probably busy during the day, and so evenings and weekends might be better for you.

You can expect us to be available between 11am and 3am UTC (UK time). Yes, that's essentially a 16-hour day.

This is what our clients love about us, the fact we don't clock-off at 5pm. This is offered with best-endeavours, and is not contractually binding.


We typically work on an hourly rate which will depend on the type of work you require.

Where appropriate we may agree a fixed-rate instead, such as for an initial website build, where we're confident how long it will take.

We aim to work on the principle of "little-and-often", where invoices are issued regularly to ensure you don't end up with a big bill. This allows you to control your costs easily, and prevents any surprises.

All work is pre-arranged and agreed before we start and we don't do anything until you've told us to begin.

We usually use email or Trello to document the agreed work and to track progress, and for you to "sign-off" on work done to your satisfaction, which can then be invoiced for.

We charge for time spent working on a project, which is not necessarily the same as something being "complete". Large pieces of work may be broken down into smaller tasks.

If we need to revisit a particular task due to it being signed off incorrectly, more time may be required. This will be charged in addition to the original invoice.

It's important that you only "sign-off" work as complete following your own thorough testing. It's better for everyone involved if we don't have to keep revisiting old tasks to make more changes or "fixes".

We work with you to provide a service, not the results.

Unless otherwise stated, all invoices are due within 7 days of issue, this helps maintain momentum when working with you, and we can't continue work until all outstanding invoices have been paid.


Our hourly rate depends on the work involved, the below table sets out these rates with some examples.

All time is rounded up to the next full hour.

Task/Language Examples GBP USD
HTML & CSS Designing and building a responsive mobile-friendly website. £60 $70
Server-side Perl Backend website processing, building control panels and dashboards to run and manage your business and processes. £60 $70
Server-side Java Backend processing for specific "heavy-lifting" tasks. £90 $110
Server-side C Ultra-bespoke high-performance processing. £100 $120
Client-side Javascript (Vanilla) Dynamic user-facing websites. £90 $110
Client-side Javascript (React) Ultra-modern dynamic user-facing websites. £60 $70
Sys-admin Server builds and configuration. £100 $120
Database administration Designing and building scalable database platforms. £100 $120
SEO & AdWords Improving the ranking of a website with clear specific advice and support. £60 $70
Documentation Technical designs and specifications, user guides and research. £170 $200

Robsco Industries is VAT registered in the UK, the above prices are all exclusive of VAT, which is charged at 20% to UK clients.

We reserve the right to change our prices by giving you at least 30 days notice, or terminating your service completely.

Direct debits

For ongoing services such as web-hosting, or online marketing, we use GoCardless to collect direct debit fees, this is maintained by our sister company Expert Hosting Ltd.

We don't believe in long-term contracts. These services are offered on a rolling monthly agreement, which you are free to cancel at any time.

If you fail to pay for your service for more than 30 days your services may be at risk.

We reserve the right to change our prices by giving you at least 30 days notice, or terminating your service completely.

Leaving us

If you wish to move to a new provider, you can do this at any time. It is your responsibility to ensure the new provider is competent.

Since many of our platforms are built bespoke, we will help you compile a list of the technical skills you'll need from any future provider.

Any costs for consultancy, interviewing or training for your new provider will be charged upfront on a non-refundable day-rate basis.

We will provide all website files and database backups upon request.

Failure to pay

Although our standard invoice payment term is 7 days, at our discretion we may allow payment up-to 30 days.

If payment is not made within 7 days, interest of 8% may start to be applied, in addition to debt recovery charges.

Your services will be risk if you fail to pay after 30 days. Your website may go offline, emails may be inaccessible, and you may lose data, both in the form of website files and database records.